Astrology Quiz – Zodiac Signs & Elements

Test your astrology knowledge with this quiz on classification of the signs of the zodiac by element. Select the appropriate astrological element (fire, earth, air, water) which corresponds to the zodiac sign's glyph symbol. (Hint: three astrological signs belong to each element. This is known as a triplicity.) Along with regular use of … [Read more...]

Astrology Quiz – Zodiac Signs & Opposites

Test your astrology knowledge with this quiz on the opposite signs of the signs of the zodiac. Enter the opposite sign (Aquarius, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Leo, Pisces, Capricorn, Aries, Libra, Sagittarius, Cancer, Gemini) which corresponds to the zodiac sign's glyph symbol. (Note: spelling counts.) Occasional stress levitra … [Read more...]

Astrology Quiz – Planets & Glyph Symbols

Test your astrology knowledge with this quiz on the glyphs of the planets in the zodiac. Enter the name of the planet (Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Mercury, Pluto, Jupiter, Neptune, Venus, Earth) which corresponds to the planet's glyph symbol. (Note 1: Although the Sun and Moon are technically "luminaries" and not "planets," in … [Read more...]

Astrology Quiz – Planets & Distance from the Sun

Test your astrology knowledge with this quiz on the planets and their distance from the sun. Enter a number (1 through 9) for each planet's glyph, signifying the order of distance from the sun. (1 = closest; 9 = farthest) So by taking an extra pill you risk having bulk generic viagra to deal with an overdose. This … [Read more...]

Astrology Quiz – Planetary Exaltation in the Signs

Test your astrology knowledge with this quiz on zodiac signs where planets are in exaltation. Enter the name of the sign (Aquarius, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Leo, Pisces, Capricorn, Aries, Libra, Sagittarius, Cancer, Gemini) where the planet is exalted. If a planet is not exalted in any sign, enter the letter "x" (without quotes). … [Read more...]